

In today’s fast-moving world it is not easy to be in trend. There are various modern and new issues to keep up all of them. More and more people understand that #blockchain technology is an all-time-high innovation. A lot of us have already heard about Bitcoin, also people know that there are other coins available (it does not matter how to name them: altcoins, tokens or digital assets.


Quick growth of cryptocurrency popularity causes cyber-crimes. Where money is, there is a robbery. Fortunately, it is not possible to break blockchain, but a number of hacks, viruses, spies, blackmails can be used to get and own one’s funds. Amount of such acts is growing from day to day. What is more, they tend to be more aggressive and creative.


#FortKnoxster is experienced security system in cyber-network. Skilled and knowledgeable crypto engineers has been developing #Fort Knox for 3 years in order to protect us and give opportunity to communicate privately and safely.
Peer-to-peer communication platform proposed by https://fortknoxster.comcan be described as “Telegram on steroids”, according to #FortKnoxster WhitePaper (which can be found here
The platform comes as an E-a-a-S solution (Encryption-as-a-Service).

#FortKnoxster team members have created a unique platform which covers data-storage needs. Anyone can use it at any-time and anywhere. It is really easy. You only need your smart-phone, tablet or laptop. For modern people quick on-line connection is an essential part of everyday life. Due to information available in #FortKnoxster WhitePaper (click a link, using the Internet and communicating online, has never been as unsafe as now — and it gets worse every day. Hackers pose a huge threat with cybercrime forecast to cost over $3 trillion by 2019, according to Juniper Research.
#FortKnoxster is going to change it. To find out more visit
Read #FortKnoxster WhitePaper (click a link
If you are ready to start, try a free demo of FortKnoxster. Please click here:
